Three Wines in a Bottle

Three Wines in a Bottle (to say nothing of the barrel) by William P Hancock

WH, U$19.99, pp.34

Self-published by wine merchant Will Hancock, this 34-page softback is maybe not an important book in the annals of wine writing, but it is indeed a great idea, rather eccentric, maybe a little like the author. It has been realized with plenty of goodwill from both himself and the Hungarian angels that, together, assembled the three chapters over a period of almost a decade. Chapter one is called The Metaphysics of Wine, chapter two is Wine as Nature and the third, The Ceremony of Wine. It touches in each chapter on the subject of wine, taste and on a totally unique gastro-phylosophy which I found absolutely spellbinding. ‘In the end there were two, God and wine’. If this phrase hits a nerve with you, you will be ordering a copy now. In the world of self-publishing this book is unlikely to make Hancock rich, but reading it might just enrich your life, for a little while at least, if you can find a copy that is. The first limited run went to 100 copies only.

IP Knightley (NASA Review)

William Hancock

After a big meal, the first thing one should do is light a cigar, in particular a Havana.